How it works

Creating personalised school reports with ReportifAI couldn't be simpler.

To start click on 'New Report' on the header bar or the 'Create New Report' from within the 'My Reports' page.

First, type the name of your class. You can create multiple classes and reuse a class for multiple subjects. Next, select the year for the class and then the subject. You can enter an optional description for the subject report. Finally, click 'Create Class Report'.

new report

The new subject report will be created. Each pupil in your class will have their own row. At the start, there is only one empty row:

student row

First, fill out the pupil's first name. This will be used by ReportifAI when generating reports. There is also an optional Initial box. You can use this to distinguish pupils in your class with the same first name. It is not used by ReportifAI and will not appear in the generated report text. Once you have entered the pupil's name, the buttons and dropdown boxes within the row will become editable. Another empty pupil row will be created below. You can add as many pupil rows as you need.


For each subject within a Key Stage, ReportifAI lists the topics in the National Curriculum. For example, the Key Stage 1 - Year 1 Mathematics curriculum has 'Number & Place Value', 'Operations', 'Fractions', 'Measurement' and 'Geometry' as topics.

For each topic, choose the pupil's current progress. Progress is quantified as one of the following:

  • WT - Working Towards - Working towards the expected level for their age group
  • AL - At Level - Working at the expected level for their year group
  • GD - Greater Depth - Working beyond the expected level for their year group, showing greater depth of understanding

If you choose not to set a level for a topic, it will not be included in the generated report. This can be useful for some subjects where topics are optional and may not have been taught in your school.


To personalise a pupil's report further, you can add up to three areas within a topic to highlight in the report. Click a dropdown box to select a highlight. Highlights are learning objectives taken from the National Curriculum for each topic.

Highlights are optional, you can enter as few (including zero) or as many as you need. The more you add, the more personalised your reports.


To view the National Curriculum learning objectives for a topic, click the information icon. Each highlight will be listed on the left side of the screen. You can keep this list visible while you work and close it when you're ready.

learning objectives

When you've set all the levels and filled in the highlights you want, you are ready to generate the report! Simply click the 'Generate Report' button on the right hand side:

generate report

ReportifAI will take a few seconds to generate a text report for the pupil considering the levels and highlights you have selected. You can edit the levels and highlights if you want to change what is written.

Click the copy text icon when you have finished to copy and paste the report into your school's reports template.


You can easily create another subject report for this class from the 'New Report' page. Simply select the existing class from the dropdown menu. Your pupils will be automatically populated in the new subject report.

Once you have created several subject reports, you can view all the reports for a single pupil by clicking on the 'View All' icon next to their name.

Here you can view all the reports for a pupil and copy individual subjects to your school reports template for further editing.

view all

pupil reports

To get back to the subject report page for the class, click the subject title you want to view.

And that's it! Happy report writing!

If you need any support, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or using the support link at the top of each page.