
Create School Reports in Seconds

ReportifAI helps you instantly create personalised end of year reports for all pupils in your class. Linked directly to the National Curriculum, your reports will be specific and targeted. Our advanced Generative AI tools ensure your reports will be unique, meaningful and even sound like you.

Create reports in any subject, in any year group. From Key Stage 1 through to GCSE.

Cancel any time with just a click.

Save hours of your time

It takes seconds to generate reports saving you precious hours of time.

Target specific curriculum outcomes

Parents will love your reports! Create targeted reports that highlight pupils specific strengths in each subject and identify key areas for development.

Write personalised reports with TeacherVoice

Say goodbye to comment banks! Our generative AI tools use samples of your writing to create unique reports that sound like you.


Select levels for topics

Progress is quantified as Working Towards the expected level for their age group, working At the expected Level, or working beyond the expected level for their year group, showing Greater Depth of understanding.


Choose items to highlight

Make your reports personal and specific by selecting up to three highlights for each topic. Highlights are taken directly from the National Curriculum for the chosen year group. No need to look them up!


Craft polished reports in seconds

ReportifAI uses the selected levels and highlights for each topic to craft a coherent and meaningful report. All subjects and year groups are included from Early Years through to A-Level.

Try your 7-day free trial now

No credit card required.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can easily cancel your subscription at any time with just a few clicks through the Profile section of our website—no need to call or email us. Upon cancellation, your account will remain active until the end of your current subscription period, which concludes on August 31st. Rest assured, no additional charges will be billed to your card after cancellation.

With an annual subscription, you have the flexibility to create an unlimited number of classes and reports across all year groups and subjects. We kindly request that you refrain from sharing your account credentials. Should we identify excessive usage that goes beyond standard subscription terms, we reserve the right to impose access restrictions.

Absolutely! We value user feedback and encourage suggestions to enhance your experience with ReportifAI. To get in touch with us, simply click on the 'Contact' link in the footer or send an email to [email protected]

With our full-access seven-day free trial, you can generate up to five pupil reports across any year group and subject of your choice. Experience the capabilities of ReportifAI firsthand before making a commitment.

No. Our seven-day free trial only requires your first name and email address for sign-up. No credit card information is needed to access the trial period.

Absolutely! We're excited about the opportunity to collaborate with you. Please contact us at [email protected] to initiate the subscription process tailored for your team or school.

The ReportifAI annual subscription is designed specifically for end-of-year reporting, commonly utilised during the summer term. With an annual subscription, you enjoy access throughout the entire school year from the date of your subscription, concluding on August 31st. Your subscription will automatically renew on September 1st in preparation for the new school year.